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Goals & Outcomes

        My goal for this class is to be a much more creative writer, tap into uncharted areas when trying to attribute events from my personal life or when wanting to explain something in a curious way. To do this I will need to really dissect all the texts and see how my brain interprets the literature versus what the mainstream media perceives to be the message. Also, a lot of side research must be done to find other sources that might offer a different outlook on something. I have always admired it when I was reading a book and saw an author taking a very unusual, creative approach in explaining a topic to the reader. 

        For this semester one of my biggest goals is to be successful in my courses and pass my classes with good, dare I say amazing grades. The way and only way I will be able to do this is to keep track of all my assignments and their due dates. I will need to read all of my required readings in advance and sometimes multiple times if the concept confuses me or doest make sense to me. I will also, above all, have to put my procrastination aside and just try to finish my assignments when they are assigned, that way if an unexpected event were to happen at least my assignments are taken care of.


End of Semester Reflection


I feel I have accomplished my goals to a certain degree by becoming more creative as well as keeping good grades. It took a lot of hard work and determination as well as slacking as least as possible. So, all in all, I think I managed it very well. 


Next semester my goal would be to keep my good grades going by staying on top of work and not procrastinating. Another Goal would be learning more about the campus which will be much easier for me because I will be on campus much more than I was this semester. 


Something I learned about myself this semester is that if I really put the time and effort into my writing and proofread them many times I can actually put together a very nice and professional-sounding paper. 


My favorite part of this class was actually getting to meet many new people for my first time in university. In many of my other classes, people were not as sociable as they were in this class and I really liked that. 


An Area of my writing which I believe I still need to strengthen in my transitions. I think they have significantly gotten better but I still want to improve on it by rereading transitions and making them flow with the previous paragraph by continuing the same thought. 

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